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The Victorian budget spared investors from further taxes and levies but offered limited support for beleaguered businesses.

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman will have the power to name and shame franchisors who fail to participate in dispute resolution, the government has announced.

The government looks set to press ahead with the $3 million super tax design as planned despite the profession raising major concerns.

Excessive price rises among some of the larger accounting software providers will see accountants and SMEs vote with their feet, according to the software firm.

The Tax Office says it often sees trustees failing to follow deeds or not checking family trust elections.

The infrastructure and advisory group aims to work with the government and private sector to help build more social housing.

Requests for lodgment deferrals that are generic or limited in information are likely to be denied, the ATO has warned practitioners.

Accounting software giant draws storm of criticism after jacking up plan fees for the second time in a year.

Proposed reforms to improve small business payment times will allow the government to publicly denounce around 1,500 businesses, an employer group predicts.

CA ANZ Australian tax leader Michael Croker has announced his retirement after 40 years in the profession.

The TPB has assured tax agents that any frivolous or malicious reports made under the dob-in provisions will be viewed unfavorably by the regulator.

The draft guidance aims to address the uncertainty and confusion surrounding the upcoming breach reporting obligations.

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