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Industry groups have doubled down on their opposition to the government’s push for an inflation-geared wage hike following a disappointing March quarter.

The corporate regulator will take a “pragmatic approach” to administering the new reporting standards, though putting off the preparations is “not an option”.

An interest rate cut is unlikely to occur until next year now with the consumer price inflation data for March above market expectations.

A range of witnesses to a parliamentary hearing have raised concerns over the minister’s powers to create new reporting requirements for matters beyond sustainability.

Days after the ACCC announced it would launch its first greenwashing court case, a Senate inquiry heard that the government is incentivising greenwashing.

Outgoing chief executive Brad Banducci’s “cherry-picking” of financial data was an attempt to obfuscate from the company’s price gouging efforts, senator says.

A letter circulated on Chinese social media has claimed PwC partners had turned a blind eye to the fraudulent financial reporting of the property giant once thought too big to fail.

Familiar battle lines have been drawn over the expected impact of Labor’s Future Made in Australia package on Australia’s domestic and global industrial competitiveness.

“If they can’t buy the store, they try and buy the property,” Metcash CEO accuses supermarket giants of buying up or else drowning out smaller independents.

The ACCC will no longer pursue its ‘user pays’ model of merger assessments so long as the government acts upon its new merger reform commitments.

Unlike its foreign equivalents, the ACCC lacks the power to break up big corporates. The Labor government has doubled down on its opposition, despite growing support.

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