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Recent reports that the Australian National University underpaid staff by an estimated $2 million has reaffirmed the need for universities to address gaps in their payroll systems, says the head of Yellow Canary. ...

The lay-offs include 10 partner-level staff and come nine months after the firm was spun off from PwC.

Total insolvencies for the 2024 income year were almost 40 per cent higher than the previous financial year, the latest ASIC data has revealed.

The Tax Office has updated its guidance on disputed debts regarding its expectations for large businesses and wealthy group taxpayers.

Specific guidance as to when the Pillar Two rules will be substantially enacted in Australia is urgently needed to help entities prepare for the new financial reporting obligations, CPA Australia has said.

Economists have warned the RBA that a rate hike or prolonged delay in cutting rates would be a “policy mistake”.

Australia is experiencing a baby recession due to cost-of-living pressures, according to a KPMG analysis.

The big four firm's 2024 revenue saw a slight decrease due to challenges in the current economic environment.

Tougher Tax Office guidelines on income splitting apply to all arrangements starting this month, marking the end of a three-year transition period.

The minister for small business has released draft rules providing details on how the revised reporting scheme will operate.

The bodies have said the International Accounting Standard Board’s proposals fail to strike “the right balance” between improved information for investors and costs to companies.

The acquisition will improve Deloitte’s client offerings and market presence in the highly specialist and high-demand area of industrial and manufacturing technology.

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